Keeping your dog grooming scissors healthy and preventing them from seizing or rusting, is vital. You must ensure that all your dog grooming scissors, old and new, are well maintained to assure you preserve their performance and longevity.

So here are Abbfabb Grooming Scissors 5 Top Tips for Dog Grooming Scissor Maintenance.


Tip 1. Cleaning your dog grooming scissors and keeping them dry.

Taking care of all your dog grooming scissors, regardless of level of grooming scissor you are using, is absolutely vital to prolonging the life of the scissor and the sharpness of the blades. Dog grooming scissors should be cleaned ideally between each groom, as this reduces the debris and the risk of transferring chemicals used between dogs. You must always clean your scissor at the end of every working day.

Follow our dog grooming scissor cleaning process.


Tip 2. Keeping dog grooming scissors oiled.

Keeping your dog grooming scissors oiled is so important as it helps protect the metal from rusting, and stops bacteria, chemicals and moisture from the salon building up on the blades. The debris from dog grooming can also work its way into the pivot section of the blade, reducing blade mobility and causing unnecessary friction. We highly recommend our Abbfabb Grooming Scissors Ltd Dog Grooming Scissor Oil 15ml.
For more information on how to oil dog grooming scissors, please click on the link.


Tip 3. Checking and correcting your dog grooming scissor's tension.

Correct scissor tension is also extremely important for maintaining your dog grooming scissors and getting the best out of them. Not only having the correct tension, which will result in your scissors performing beautifully, it will also prevent the blades from locking or catching against one another.


Tip 4. Storing your dog grooming scissors safely.

To store clean dog grooming scissors, firstly you must ensure that each pair of scissors is closed and keep them in an area where it is dry, out of the sunlight (when we have sunshine) and somewhere safe. I would also advise to cover the scissors with either a dry towel or sheet. This will keep any stray dog hairs, dust and moisture, away from your precious dog grooming scissors.


Tip 5. Ensure your dog grooming scissors are sharpened.

To maintain a dog grooming scissor's performance, ensuring that the scissor is serviced and sharpened, it vital. All dog grooming scissors are given an extremely sharp edge at the point of manufacture. This sharp edge will naturally blunt over time. However, there are a number of factors which can cause dog grooming scissors to blunt quickly. Having your dog grooming scissors serviced and sharp will maintain your scissor's longevity and keep your scissors performing at their best. More information on our professional dog grooming scissor sharpening service.