After cleaning and ensuring the scissors are dry, it is recommended that the dog groomer lubricates or oils each shear. Oiling dog grooming scissors assists the cleaning process by pushing any remaining dirt, debris and hair from under the pivot (tension screws). In addition, it leaves a small layer of protection within the tension system.
Whilst holding a pair of clean and dry scissors at a slight angle, carefully open scissor's blades widely and apply only one to two drops of scissor oil to the area closest to the tension system and allow the drop to move into the tension system. Once the oil has moved towards the pivot, open and close the blades to enable it to work into the system. Use a clean, dry and soft cloth to wipe any excess oil along the blades. For safety reasons, a dog groomer must ensure that there is no physical contact with cutting edges of the scissors.
It is recommended that all scissors used for dog groomer are oiled at least once a week to help prolong their life. However, it is vital that a dog groomer must ensure that they do not over oil (using more than 2 drops) oil. Too much oil in the tension system can loosen the 'spring force' and prevent the screw from clicking when adjusting the scissor's tension.
It is highly advised that a dog groomer must always use an oil which has been specifically designed for stainless steel scissors. The structure of the oil varies depending on the metal and the instrument's task. For example, clipper oil is intended to be used solely on clippers, and as the clippers are made from harder metals so therefor the structure of the oil will be different.
Here at Abbfabb Grooming Scissors Ltd, we have a specifically designed oil made for all makes and models of dog grooming scissors.