I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope you all had a very peaceful Christmas and a wonderful new year.
Now looking forward to an exciting 2019, I am delighted to let you know that I have new ranges of dog grooming scissors coming available for both right and left handed groomers, so please keep an eye out for my emails and posts on our Facebook pages, Instagram and Twitter. Myself, Eve from Abbfabb Academy and Andrew from the Gay Blade Professional Sharpening Services are attending many exciting grooming events in the coming year and are delighted to be supporting local events.
Our first event is supporting a wonderful local family dog show on Sunday 17th February. This dog show is in aid to help raise money for Zero Gravity Academy, a local charity which works with disabled children and young adults providing them opportunities to help boost their confidence, widen their friendships and help keep them active. Pedigree Classes start at 11am and the novelty classes start 12:30pm, all the family are welcome and the money raised from the class entries, goes towards Zero Gravity Academy. All support is very much appreciated and we look forward to seeing you there.
Abbfabb Grooming Scissors, Abbfabb Academy and The Gay Blade Professional Sharpening Services will then be at Crufts 2019 in March. We will be there for the full duration and we have our Abbfabb stand in Hall 1. All our Abbfabb Grooming Scissors range will be available to see and purchase, plus a fantastic deal to take advantage of. Eve, from Abbfabb Academy will be available to discuss her training courses and answer any questions you may have. Plus Andrew, from the Gay Blade, will be available for 'on the day' dog grooming scissor and clipper blade sharpening. To ensure your dog grooming scissors are sharpened on the day, please make sure you get to Andrew as early as possible.