The noise a dog grooming scissor makes is generally not something to be concerned about. However, it can be confusing for dog groomers especially trainee dog groomers.
The majority of dog grooming scissors are made from stainless steel, and this type of metal is capable of making noise or sound.
Metals tend to be highly sonorous and they will make a clearly audible sound when a they subjected to any type of force. For example, gentle plucking of violin strings or striking a metal with a hammer. This is because metals have a large number of delocalised electrons which are able to convert the incoming kinetic energy ( from the plucking or striking) to an outward moving sound wave, making the sound we hear.
So why do dog grooming scissors make a noise?
The Blade Noise
As discussed above, all dog grooming scissors will make a 'smooth' noise due to the kinetic energy produced by the dog groomer's fingers opening and closing the blades. This energy is immediately converted into the 'smooth' yet bright sound we hear whilst using the scissors.
The Snipping Noise
The 'snipping' sound created by the tips of the scissor, are produced in the same way. However, the difference between the 'smooth' sound of the blades and the 'snipping' sound of the tip, is due to the fact that the kinetic energy can no longer travel along the blades once it reaches the tip. The 'snip' sound is essentially the energy ceasing at the tip.
The 'snip' sound can however, vary in loudness depending on the types of blades.
So, for example, the loudness of a straight dog grooming scissor with two plain convex edges is naturally less compared to a scissor that has one blade with teeth and the opposing blade being simple straight blade. This is because the kinetic energy produce as the blades are closing and opening, is more concentrated at the ends of each tooth. Essentially there is more pressure from the toothed blade down onto the opposing blade and a louder sound is produced.
Curved Dog Grooming Scissors with Teeth
The level of sound produced by a curved scissor with teeth is one of the loudest sounds produced by dog grooming scissors. The reason for this is that a much larger amount of kinetic energy is produced due to the angle of the curve, and with the additional energy created by the individual teeth, there is a higher level of force between both blades. This immediately, results in a 'louder' sound being produced as the blades pass over one another.
It is important to note that the level of sound/noise produced by any dog grooming scissor, will naturally begin to lessen over time as the blades become more worn in through usage.
Can some noises from a scissor indicate a problem?
A Dull Sound
When a dog groomer is using their scissors and they start to sound 'dull' or clicking sound, it could indicate that the scissors are blunt. As well as the dull sound, if a dog groomer has to start to apply more pressure than normal and/or the dog's coat is beginning to bend or not cut, then it is recommended to stop using the scissors and seek the services of a professional scissor sharpener.
A Clicking Sound
If the scissors have been dropped or accidentally bumped, a dog groomer may notice a clunking sound as they are closing. This sound could indicate that there are dents along the cutting edge of blades. These dents or nicks can be tiny cuts, or bumps along the blades. A dog groomer will also be able to feel these dents, as they close the blades and this can also lead to the blades catching to locking completely.
With any of these sounds or feelings, it is recommended to stop using that scissors immediately and contact a professional scissor sharpener. Continuing to use damaged scissors can lead to further damage to the blades and pull the dog's coat rather than cut it.
A Clacking Sound
With regards to the clacking sound, this is produced by the sound of the blades slamming together as a result of the bumper or stopper falling out. When this happens, a dog grooming scissor's blades and tip may cross over as the dog groomer attempts to close the scissor. This can cause further damage to the scissors and could cause harm or injury to the dog, the groomer or their colleagues.

If the bumper has fallen out and it can be located, the dog groomer can manually screw it back into place easily. If the bumper can not be located, the dog groomer must not use the scissor to reduce the risk of further damage and must seek the advice of a professional scissor sharpener.